Established in August 2021, the Arunachal Pradesh Innovation & Investment Park (APIIP) is the first state owned marquee incubator initiated as a pivotal pillar of the Arunachal Pradesh Startup Policy. APIIP is working with IIM Calcutta Innovation Park (IIMCIP) as its knowledge partner, with a Mission to develop a culture of entrepreneurship in Arunachal Pradesh and to transform the State into a global hub for innovation and entrepreneurship by providing holistic support to local startups through proactive policy intervention and creation of a network of key ecosystem stakeholders.


Startups to be facilitated in five years


Cr budgetary support for seed funding to startups


e-Cells at Higher Education Institutes for industry-academia connect

The APIIP will be empowered as the umbrella organization of all Arunachal Pradesh State sponsored incubators. APIIP shall predominantly facilitate incubation framework and activities; invest in equity for selected startups.

Activities of APIIP

Arunachal Pradesh Entrepreneurship Development Programme

APIIP organizes annual startup challenges to identify the potential entrepreneurs through a contest that looks for innovation and scalable business ideas from the citizens of the State that has the potential to go beyond the geographical boundaries of the State.

Pre-Incubation and Incubation

9 months incubation and pre-incubation programmes have been designed by IIMCIP to provide solid ground-level support to the budding entrepreneurs for converting their business ideas into products/services for attaining commercial success.

Mentorship and Capacity Building

Mentorship programme involves mapping mentors to businesses which get incubated in APIIP. This is a rigorous programme where tasks are given by the mentors to the mentees and the same is reviewed over the next mentorship meeting. In addition, there are various capacity building workshops which are done on the basis of need analysis of the cohort.

EoDB and Investment Promotion

APIIP is also implementing Ease of Doing Business reforms in the State and actively engaging in investment promotion activities, making it the one-stop-solution for all startups in Arunachal.

Infrastructure at APIIP

  • Conferencing Facilities
  • Co-working Space
  • Incubation Center
  • Formal Meeting Room
  • Informal Meeting Area
  • Product Display Zone
  • Back Office Support